Advantages of oranges.

●The orange tree, one of the most planted trees in the world, is a popular fruit due to its natural sweetness and variety of uses and is acid, and can be classified into two categories: sweet and bitter and sweet oranges are more consumed.
• Oranges contain an important group of nutrients and many kinds These fruits are low calorie, do not contain saturated fat or cholesterol, and are rich in dietary fiber.
• Oranges contain 170 different phytochemicals and over 60 flavonoids, and have been scientifically and medically proven to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
● Healthy benefits of oranges:
1- Reduces risk of disease.
2- It lowers blood cholesterol levels.
3- Regulates high blood pressure.
4- It helps prevent cancer.
5- It promotes heart health.
6- It lowers blood sugar levels and facilitates digestion and weight loss.
7- Is important for brain development.
8- It improves sperm quality.
9- It helps prevent skin aging.
10- Protects the eyes from blindness.


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