Why are we eating persimmon?
■ The persimmon has many perks. How is that?
▪ The fruit, also called the khaki FIG, is known to the ancient Greek people, and is native to East Asia, particularly China.
▪ Cultivation in the Levant and part of Turkey requires a temperature of no more than 26oC, This fruit has a sweet taste and a wonderful taste.
▪ [ Nutritional value of the caca fruit ] :
▪ Coca contains a range of healthy and nutritionally beneficial elements; It contains 14 percent of the sugars glucose and fructose, it also contains proteins, is low in fat, and is rich in iodine and lead.
It also contains dietary and moderate-calorie substances, cocoa and many dietary fibers, and contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, manganese, as well as vitamins A, B, and C.
▪ The fruit prevents heart attacks because it contains bacteria, combats bacteria and parasites in the digestive system, reduces lethargy, stress, and tension, and reduces hair loss.
▪ They prevent headaches and numbness of the extremities, resist Zontari's disease and inflammation of the intestines, and treat many cases of bladder and urinary tract infections.
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