A recipe for clear, grain - free skin
■ Welcome, dear readers. In this article, we are going to talk about a recipe for pure skin. Some mistakes people make to get rid of acne is trying to remove it with disinfectants as if they were impurities, because the black heads on their face are not impurities as some think.
When disinfectants, detergents, alcoholic nappers, and antibacterial creams are used, over time, the microbiome found on the skin is grinding, so all these banned chemicals should be avoided, as there are millions or even billions of microbes distributed throughout the body, especially in the skin, which are one of the body's defenses.
Removing this layer of benign bacteria results in less diversity of symbiotic microbes, weakens the immune system, increases the incidence of skin infections, and that not only exacerbates suffering with acne, but causes its appearance.
One side effect of taking antibiotics is the appearance of acne, because there is a reciprocal effect between microbes in the intestine, those in the body and the skin's surface, so that the absence of microbes in one part of the body causes stress in another.
And the reason acne appears is sebaceous glands, which secrete the fat or sebum, acne is shown when these glands inflate and they secrete excessive amounts of sebum, and then pus forms and bacteria form in these glands, so one has to understand why acne appears so that we can get rid of it.
He was a college student with severe acne, who was also trying to rub his face with all the face-cleaning products, and he used a variety of different creams, but that didn't work, and taking vitamins like vitamin A and B, would not do anything to solve the problem, provided they applied exactly the following:
Acne is caused by the rise of a hormone, androgens, so by adolescence it rises to a high level. Hyperlevels of androgens cause the disruption of the sebaceous glands. If androgens are stable at normal levels, it prevents the onset of acne. The main factor in this hormone is excessive insulin. This is also the case with PCOS, which results in hair loss and acne and is experienced by women in particular because of ovarian cysts Because too much androgen is produced, it's mainly due to high insulin levels.
What is the direct cause of the insulin rise It's too much carbohydrate, a low carbohydrate diet and reducing it breaks down acne, and a low carbohydrate diet in conjunction with intermittent fasting would eliminate acne faster and give humans a wonderful skin, but the problem of acne can be completely avoided, and each one has to know exactly what causes it and how to get rid of it.
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